
Whether you are working on an internationalisation project, setting up a business abroad, or exporting to the global market, being able to communicate without language barriers is crucial. This is why, whatever your field of activity (medical, financial, legal, industrial, marketing etc.), Optilingua will ensure that you benefit from the services of a specialist translator, who translates into their mother tongue. Our translation, interpreting and other language services are available in more than 100 languages, from the rarest to the most widely spoken languages in the world.

The impact of AI on the future of translation
By Frédéric Ibanez, Specialized Business Translations
As in many other sectors, AI (artificial intelligence) has developed strongly in the translation sector in recent years. So what is the impact of AI on the translation profession? What are the advantages and limitations of this technology? Alphatrad has the answers to these questions.  
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How to translate a contract successfully?
By Frédéric Ibanez, Translation of Economic and Financial Documents
In the age of globalisation, contract translation is essential for cross-border and multilingual partnerships. But how can a contract be translated in a reliable and qualitative manner? And what are the issues involved in translating this legally valuable document? Discover the answers to these questions in this article.   What is a contract? A contract is an agreement, involving at least two parties, which aims to create, modify, and clarify obligations.
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How do you translate a text from English into Italian?
By Frédéric Ibanez, Specialized Business Translations
Do you need to translate a text from English into Italian and are you wondering which translation method to choose? Find out about the different solutions available to you, as well as our tips for successful English-Italian translation. 
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How to successfully start a business in China
By Frédéric Ibanez, Business News
Due to the size of its market, its economic dynamism and its low production costs, China is a very attractive destination if you want to start a business or set up your business there. However, relocating your business to China involves several steps and rigorous procedures.  
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The most famous phrases in English
By Frédéric Ibanez, Linguistic Services
What are the most famous phrases in English? There are so many! Some come from films, some from literature, and most are simply part of popular culture.Once you know the most popular phrases in English and start to speak them you may find that you only need to say the first part because, being so well known, many people will know what comes next. 15 famous quotes in English 
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Letter of recommendation translation: What you should know
By Frédéric Ibanez, Specialized Business Translations
Do you need to have your letter of recommendation translated for a job application abroad? Below, you will find all the important information you need.   The career boost: Have a letter of recommendation translated If an international company is looking for new employees it will often specify which documents an applicant should submit through an advertisement. These documents are usually intended to prevent discrimination of any kind and also include an employer's reference.
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PowerPoint translation: which method should you choose?
By Frédéric Ibanez, Specialized Business Translations
A presentation to a foreign client, an international conference, a webinar in a foreign language... Many situations require the translation of a PowerPoint presentation. Are you looking for the best way in which to translate a PowerPoint document? Here we provide an overview of the different methods available.   When should you translate a PowerPoint presentation? Translating a PowerPoint document may be necessary in many situations, in a professional or academic context, for example:
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Solutions for translations of instruction manuals
By Frédéric Ibanez, Expert Technical Translations
Do you want to translate your product manuals or operating instructions to make them accessible to international customers? Discover our tips on how to get a reliable and high-quality translation of your manuals and instructions for use, whatever your field of activity.   Translating an instruction manual: challenges and issues Instruction manuals play a key role in ensuring user safety and optimising customer experience. Manuals enable the buyer to use and maintain the product properly, following the instructions.
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Do you need a translation of your university degree?
By Frédéric Ibanez, Specialized Business Translations
The translation of a university degree may be necessary if you are applying for a scholarship, are finishing your studies abroad, or you want to find a job abroad (or in the UK in the case of foreign university degrees). The translation is the only way for you to prove that you really have that degree. In addition, for it to be valid, it is important that it is a sworn translation. In other words, it should be conducted by a sworn translator, accredited by an official authority or notary.
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Three tips for investing in Africa
By Frédéric Ibanez, Business News
Are you interested in investing in Africa? Are you wondering about the opportunities in the African market and the sectors that are attractive to foreign investors? Africa is a rapidly developing economy, where entrepreneurial opportunities are legion. Discover our advice on how to make your investment successful on the African continent and the steps to follow.  
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