Do you want to translate your content into English? To obtain quality texts, translated skillfully, and with respect for the local culture, you should use a native translator: here is why.
1. Native translators have a perfect command of English
A professional translator who translates into their mother tongue is versed in all the linguistic nuances of that language and will be able to find the most relevant language equivalents. Because they have been speaking English and writing the language for their entire lives, they have both an awareness of its subtleties and have a vast vocabulary. Thanks to the skills of this professional, you will benefit from a high-quality translation, which will be perfectly faithful to the original.
2. They know the local culture very well
In addition to having a perfect command of the English language, the native translator will also have a great deal of knowledge of the cultural standards in force in the country targeted by the translation.
Therefore, they are able to translate all elements of the language in an accurate and relevant way. This is particularly important for translations of social networks, websites, or other marketing or advertising content, which require a thorough knowledge of the local culture.
3. Their vocabulary is up to date
Another reason to use a native English translator is that they use the language on a daily basis, and therefore their vocabulary is completely up to date. This means that your English translation will not contain old-fashioned idioms and obsolete words.
4. Native translators will use either American or British English
Choosing a native translator from the English-speaking country you wish to target will also ensure that your document is translated into the appropriate English.
Indeed, English comes in several variants, and there are many differences between each form, be it grammatical, spelling, lexical...
For example, while we write colour, flavour, favourite in British English, we write color, flavor, favorite in American English. In addition, completely different words are sometimes used to describe the same things such soccer vs. football.
You should make sure that the content is translated into the English used in the country concerned. The translator should also ensure that only one variant of the language is used throughout the document. Mixing the two forms could greatly affect the quality of the translation and the legitimacy of your company.
The best solution is to use a translator who is a native of the country targeted by the translation (United States, United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, etc.), in order to obtain a translation into English that is totally personalised according to the linguistic and cultural subtleties specific to the target audience.
5. Your brand image will be enhanced
By using a professional, native English translator, you will receive a smooth, consistent translation. This will not only help your company internationally, but will also help to promote your brand image and enhance your reputation.
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