Classic online banking, which allows access to personal bank accounts via the Internet, was not invented in Silicon Valley but by a consumer bank in the Düsseldorf area. In the 1980s, this small bank made it possible for a person to view his own finances online for the very first time. It began with a self-service system in the bank's foyer, enabling its customers to access their accounts around the clock. The regionally limited service has now become a worldwide system that many people no longer want to do without.
Danes love online banking
European surveys have revealed fascinating facts and figures regarding the use of online banking in individual countries. People aged 16 to 74 were asked about their habits regarding the use of personal bank accounts. There are clear differences between the countries of the EU. In Greece for example online banking was and still is only moderately popular with only 27 per cent of respondents using the Internet for their banking transactions. In Denmark, on the other hand, people rarely go into banks and 89 per cent say they prefer to manage their finances online. The picture is similar in the Netherlands. This makes the Danes, together with the Dutch, the leaders in online banking use. England, Germany, France, and Austria make up between 34 and 40 per cent of the broad middle range.*
A multilingual service is standard
Most banks offer a choice of languages on their websites and self-service systems. Translations into various foreign languages are part of the general service package and we also support companies that wish to expand their offer in this respect upon request.
*Source: Statista
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