Alphatrad Zaragoza specialises in translations, interpreting and proofreading services, multilingual transcriptions, voice-over services and subtitling. The company belongs to the Optilingua International Group, which has subsidiaries in 12 European countries, and has over 40 years' experience in translation and linguistic services.
Our committed translation network is the only one of its kind in Europe and it caters to 35,000 customers worldwide. The group has global links with 3,500 professional translators specialising in numerous areas of business, and working in the countries in which the relevant languages are specifically spoken. We also provide services in more than a hundred languages in Europe, North and South America, the Middle East and Asia, with local translation rates allowing us to offer the most cost-effective service around.
About Saragossa
Saragossa was founded by the Romans in 24 BC on what had been the ancient city of Salduie, an Iberian settlement, which was located in the same spot. The Romans gave it the name Caesar Augusta, in honour of Caesar Augustus, giving rise to the name of Zaragoza (Saragossa). It was a fortified city.
In 714, the city was taken by the Moors and it became the capital of the Upper March of Al-Andalus. In 1018 it became the capital of the first Taifa Kingdom. In 1118 it was conquered for Christianity by King Alfonso I of Aragón who freed its inhabitants. Since that time, Saragossa has become the capital of the Kingdom of Aragón.
It is a city devoted to tourism and congresses (technical, universities, the environment, education…), staging over 560 events in 2009. It also has a very active cultural life: theatre, auditorium… the infrastructures and services grow every year. The Tourism Office has organised an array of services for visits to the city: the Megabus, for children; Talking Tours, guided tours to the city in English, Italian and French; Bus Emoción, a guided tour with historical enactment around the city; and a night bus. There are 7 Information and Tourism Offices spread around the city. For further information call: 902 20 12 12.

Customer service
Telephone: 900 264 851
Hours: Monday to Friday from 9:00 am to 6:30 pm
C/Felipe Sanclemente, 25 - 4ª planta, 50001 Zaragoza
Opening hours for reception in the office
Monday to Friday: By APPOINTMENT
Professional Translation Services
Medical translations
Medical reports, pharmaceutical technology, clinical studies etc.
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Business translations
Cosmetics & beauty, food & beverage, marketing & advertising etc.
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Financial translations
Company reports, annual and quarterly reports, disclosure requirements etc.
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Certified translations
Birth certificates, driving licenses, court rulings, diplomas etc.
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Website translations
Corporate sites, blogs, landing pages, multilingual SEO, AdWords etc.
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Linguistic Services
Voice over services
Product films, advertising, podcasts, e-learning, audio guides etc.
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